El Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer – CETM

The Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer - CETM develops its actions in collaboration with rural women's organizations that seek to change patriarchal society. 

"We are a non-profit organization that began its work in 1987 from a group of women who were concerned about the situation and disadvantage of women of all social groups in society.
Our action is based on the development of educational and training processes both in the formal system (educational institutions) and on an alternative basis (women's organizations), from a gender perspective, in the areas of citizenship, health and the environment, for the development of social and technical competencies aimed at strengthening the capacity for action and decision-making, especially of adult women, adolescents, young people, girls and boys.
Our overall goal is to reduce the conditions of oppression, subordination and gender discrimination against women in our country.

We are partners with NATUREFUND because we both want the slopes of the mountain range of the Tunari National Park (PNT) to recover their condition as a source of water resources, as a place of infiltration of rainwater for the valleys of Cochabamba, Therefore, we promote the establishment of agroforestry areas among farmers, to free the forest from its progressive degradation and thus mitigate climate change, because SAF-D agroecologically managed areas provide food security and health, as well as economic income for small producers.

As part of the CETM team, we are committed to protecting the pachamama, which is our livelihood and that of current and future generations, by mimicking how the forest functions in small plots like the SAF-D plots.

I am Sonia Pardo Burgoa, sociologist by profession. I am currently the director of the Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer - CETM.
The disadvantaged situation and position in which we women of all social groups in society found ourselves in the 1970s led me to work for women's rights, focusing on gender and the environment, the latter due to the impact of climate change on the daily lives of the population in general and rural women in particular.
This reality was and still is my personal motivation. "

Continue to CETM.org

Collaborative Project:
Jungle in the Andes in Bolivia.

Logo der Organisation CETM
Photo: CETM

El Centro de Estudio y Trabajo de la Mujer – CETM

Calle Uruguay # 1566, between Calle Lanza and Antezana.


Tel.:  (+591) 4 4504903 – (+591) 63934275 – (+591) 71798859

Mail: cetmcbba(at)gmail.com 
