UN-Dekade zur Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen 2023
Photo: UN-Dekade zur Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen
Unser Landkaufprojekt auf der Insel Kirr wurde im Jahr 2023 von der UN-Dekade Ökosystem-Wiederherstellung als „Hervorragendes Beispiel der UN-Dekade“ ausgezeichnet. Damit wurde dem Projekt ein besonders positiver Beitrag zur Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen der Moore und Feuchtgebiete und ihrer biologischen Vielfalt zugesprochen.
Das mit dem Landkreis Mainz-Bingen gemeinsam initiierte Projekt "Dynamischer Agroforst – innovative Anbaumethode für Klimaschutz in den Kommunen des Landkreises Mainz-Bingen" wurde als eines von 40 Projekte unter 230 Einreichungen mit einem Preisgeld von 25.000 € ausgezeichnet. Der Bundeswettbewerb "Naturstadt - Kommunen schaffen Vielfalt" wurde vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz sowie vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz gefördert. Gemeinsam mit dem Landkreis Mainz-Bingen haben wir dank des Preisgeldes drei kommunale Flächen mit der Anbaumethode Dynamischer Agroforst naturnah gestalten können.
Trophée de Femmes 2021
Photo: Naturefund
The environmental foundation "Fondation Yves Rocher" has been awarding women with special commitment to international environmental protection for over 25 years. In 2021, Katja Wiese wins the outstanding third prize alongside 400 other women from 15 countries. The prize, named "Trophée de Femmes 2021", is endowed with 3,000 € and will be made available for the "implementation of new ideas in the context of dynamic agroforestry as a biodiversity-promoting cultivation method in South America, Madagascar and also Germany".
UN Decade on Biodiversity
[Translate to English:] UN Dekade Biologische Vielfalt Photo: Naturefund
The Naturefund project Reifenberger Wiesen was honored by the UN Decade of Biodiversity. The award of the UN Decade will be given to projects that make an exemplary contribution to preserving biodiversity.
Citoyenne 2016
[Translate to English:] Stiftung Citoyen
Alfred Westenberger, our project partner of the Apollo organization wins the environmental prize "Citoyenne 2016"! Among other projects, the cooperation with Naturefund in the land conservation project on the Reifenberger Wiesen in the Taunus was honored. The prize is awarded by the Citoyen Foundation every two years. In the process, projects in the Rhine-Main area are being honored, who are dedicated and innovative in their efforts to promote dialogue and tolerance in social interaction and to practice sustainable action.
National Energy Globe Award 2013
[Translate to English:] National Energy Globe Award Photo: Naturefund
The Energy Globe Award for Sustainability is one of the world's leading sustainability awards. Naturefund wins the 2013 prize for the second time. Every year, it honors outstanding projects in climate and environmental protection.
Trophée de Femmes 2006
[Translate to English:] Fondation Yves Rocher Photo: Naturefund
The "Yves Rocher Foundation" is under the umbrella of the "Institut de France" and is committed to the conservation and protection of nature and biodiversity worldwide. Every year, the "Trophée de Femmes" environmental prize honors women who do great things for the environment and who work for the common good. In 2006 our managing director Katja Wiese was awarded this prize for her special dedication to nature with her initiative Naturefund.
Selected supporting organizations of Naturefund projects.
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
[Translate to English:] Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Photo: BMZ
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is currently funding two Naturefund projects. The goal of both projects is to improve the living conditions of smallholder families through dynamic agroforestry. Dynamic agroforestry is a relatively young cultivation method, in which in addition to agricultural products and numerous trees are planted.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.
HAND IN HAND Fund of the German environmental aid "Deutschen Umwelthilfe e.V." and "Rapunzel Naturkost" Photo: Naturefund
Our current project in Malawi is supported by Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V. (DUH) and Rapunzel Naturkost in their hand-in-hand fund with 5,000 €! The hand-in-hand fund supports ecological and social projects through its hand-in-hand fund. Funding is intended to strengthen the self-responsibility of civil societies.