NABU: #VoteThisCAPdown

The CAP voting marathon in the European Parliament plenary is coming to an end and the "green architecture" in the EU Commission's original proposal is in ruins.

On Tuesday evening, MEPs had already voted through the completely inadequate compromise texts of the grand coalition of EPP, S&D and Renew by a large majority. Yesterday and today, other important amendments that would have linked the CAP to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Green Deal were rejected. Moreover, through procedural tricks and last-minute changes to voting times, so much chaos was created that some political groups voted incorrectly and, for example, unintentionally voted against binding climate protection. Tomorrow, the MEPs will have the last chance to stop this environmental policy blow when they take the final vote on the entire report. NABU therefore calls on all MEPs to pull the emergency brake and vote "no".

NABU is thus joining a broad alliance of civil society groups lobbying MEPs on social media under the hashtag #votethiscapdown. Should a majority be found for this demand tomorrow at 13:15, this would reverse all the wrong developments of this week. The Parliament would then have the choice: 1) either to go into the trilogue with the original Commission proposal as its position or 2) to refer the CAP back to the lead committees (Agriculture and Environment). This is not unrealistic, as the Socialists had announced that they would vote against the report if several red lines were crossed this week. From our point of view, this point has now been reached.

This would give MEPs time to regroup and, above all, help the progressive camp to forge majorities for a progressive agricultural policy. Even a reversion to the Commission's proposal would be bearable given the dismantling of the green architecture in recent days. In terms of conditionality and the quality of the eco-schemes, Parliament is now falling further behind the Commission's proposal. A "No" tomorrow would therefore lead to a better result in any case.

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