Dynamic agroforestryin Germany

The decline in biodiversity, the pollution of groundwater and increasingly hotter and drier summers clearly show that changes are underway to which politics, but also civil society, must find answers. Together with farmers, associations, agencies, politicians and the public, Naturefund initiates pilot projects for a new way of agriculture. The focus is on the Dynamic Agroforestry method, which can stabilize yields, promote biodiversity and create a positive climate balance.

already donated 60,584 €
of 10,000
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  • 372 €
    Kanzlei Trude & Kollegen
  • 66 €
  • 54 €
  • 240 €
  • 12 €
    Matthias L.
    Frankfurt am Main

Dynamic agroforestry in Germany

Dynamische Agroforstparzelle in Wiesbaden
Plant diversity in dynamic agroforestry
Photo: Naturefund

Together with farmers, associations, companies, politics and the public, Naturefund initiates new ways of agriculture. The signpost for this is the Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) method.

DAF as a way to change agriculture

Dynamic Agroforestry is a farming method based on the knowledge of indigenous peoples in Latin America. It involves growing plants in a dynamic planting system rather than in monocultures. Three natural principles are used: Species diversity, plant density and plant pruning. As a result, DAF leads to a high biomass production of the plants and consequently to a high carbon uptake. At the same time, it ensures that humus is built up in the soil. Combining DAF with plant charcoal can create a system that stores carbon in the soil over the long term. Dynamic agroforestry thus has great potential to improve the living conditions of people working in agriculture, make the soil more fertile again, restore natural habitats, increase yields and at the same time mitigate the effects of climate change. In Dynamic Agroforestry, the higher the biodiversity, the healthier and more stable the agriculture. 

Reforestation through Dynamic Agroforestry

Naturefund initiates change processes towards a new agricultural future that promotes biodiversity, stabilizes yields and enables a positive climate balance through active regional networking with farming families, businesses, politics, associations and the public. 

Help us create new images and models for a sustainable future! For 6 € you plant a tree and enable the spread of Dynamic Agroforestry in kindergartens and schools. You also support us to build up reallabs, to train trainers, to build up training centers and to network with relevant associations and politics to spread the sustainable cultivation method further. In addition, the positive effects of DAF on agricultural yields, the regeneration of degenerated soils and the use of plant charcoal for humus build-up are to be scientifically tested and improved on our field in Wiesbaden-Erbenheim.


Project news

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· Naturefund
Landwirtschaftlich genutzte Fläche, die an einem Waldrand liegt
Researchers at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center Frankfurt show that biodiversity in the soil of agriculturally used meadows… Read more

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