Fenlandin Germany

In the Spring of 2007, Naturefund bought a 18,860 m² fenland to the north east of Berlin. Many rare plant and animal species such as Sedges, Orchids, Cranes, Golden Orioles and Whinchats now have a protected habitat. Our partner in this project is DieTierPaten®. Thanks for your great help!

of 18,860
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Fenland in Brandenburg

Early Evening on the Fenland
Early Evening on the Fenland
Photo: DieTierPaten®

In the Spring of 2007, Naturefund bought a 18,860 square metre fenland to the north east of Berlin. Many rare plant and animal species such as Sedges, Orchids, Cranes, Golden Orioles and Whinchats now have a protected habitat. Our partner in this project is DieTierPaten®.

Fenlands, forests and meadows

Fenlands are created by the presence of stagnant water that is rich in minerals. This fenland near Klosterfelde is surounded by marshes and many rare species of flora and fauna have found a home here.

Eye-catching flowering plants such as the Bird's Eye Primrose, the Marsh Cinquefoil, the bog-bean and the Willow Gentian can be found here, as well as a rich variety of insects and birds, for example the Whinchat.

The increasingly rare Whinchat

The Whinchat is an insect-eating song bird which nests in meadows. At one time the Whinchat was a common sight, however it is now considered rare due to intensive farming. 

Improved drainage systems and fertilizers allow farmers to begin harvesting hay very early, leaving the Whinchat hardly any time to raise its young before the hay is cut.

Respect the rhythm of the Whinchat

Scientists have proven that the number and variety of insects found in industrially-farmed areas is up to five times less than in fields cultivated in a traditional manner. It is precisely these small insects that provide the Whinchat with food.

Due to the lack of nourishment, the Whinchat is unable to raise its young properly. Thus the number of Whinchats is ever-decreasing, along with a number of other meadow inhabitants. 

The fenland of Klosterfelde will be managed by an organisation called DieTierPaten® who will harvest the hay according to the needs of the meadow breeders. Already in 2007 three pairs of Whinchat returned to Klosterfelde to nest.

Basic data


The fenland of Klosterfelde lies to the northeast of Berlin;


18,860 square metres;


Daubenton's bat, Grey Cranes, Whinchat, Meadow Pipit, and Grass Snakes;


Column Cactus, Acacia, various thorn bushes, and assorted Bromeliads;

Special characteristics

The aim of this purchase is to save a fenland created by one of the last retreating glaciers of the Ice Age.

Concept for protection

Our partner and the future owner of the fenland is DieTierPaten®.

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