Blühende Wiesenin Germany

Naturefund would love Wiesbaden to hum again. We want to buy several square meters of arable land in Wiesbaden and transform them into a buzzing insect paradise. With fruit trees, pastures and a flower meadow, these fields would be like playgrounds for wild bees, butterflies, beetles and more.

already donated 104,430 €
of 17,308
  • We join in!
  • 1.000 €
  • 6 €
    Tobias W.
  • 1.710 €
    Frank E.
  • 25 €
    Bergisch Gladbach
  • 50 €
    Larissa S.

Blooming Meadows in Wiesbaden

Gelbwürfeliger Dickkopffalter
Gelbwürfeliger Dickkopffalter
Photo: Naturefund

Humming bumblebees, graceful butterflies and buzzing wild bees. Naturefund wants to protect the diversity of insects and turn arable land in Wiesbaden into true insect paradises.

Insects can no longer find food

In the north of Wiesbaden, one of the foothills of the Taunus, there is a lot of forest and a lot of field, but flowers. Monotonous fields with grain, oilseed rape or corn, alternating with dense forests.

It blooms only a few weeks a year. For the rest of the year, wild bees, butterflies and many other insects dont find food. The flowers disapear and together with the birds, which lived from them. The landscape is getting poorer.

Fields and meadows for nature

Last year, Naturefund came into contact with an owner who would like to pass on her long-held landed property to fields and meadows to nature.Spread over the districts of Wiesbaden Rambach and Naurod, she wants to sell us 55,000 m², which we can take for butterfly and Co. from the intensive agricultural use.

The plots are very diverse.On a beautiful orchard with over 60 trees we have already encountered various woodpeckers, several fields offer wonderful opportunities to enrich the cleared landscape around it by hedges and flowering.The purchase of two brooks opens up the possibility of natural renaturation of the brooks through this purchase.

The flowering meadows of Wiesbaden can make our landscape a biodiversity hotspot with its structural diversity, colorful flowers and buzzing insects.

Set up flower strips and build small biotopes

Therefore, we want to start in Wiesbaden-Rambach with 10,000 m² of arable land to set up flowering areas, orchards and hedges and build dry stone walls here.Our goal is to provide food, shelter and breeding quarters for many endangered insects throughout the year.We also want to plant salami (Salix caprea) and save old, almost dilapidated fruit trees, which are an ideal bee pasture with their many flowers and a valuable habitat for rare butterflies.

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