Climate-Neutral Event

Photo: Pixabay

Design your event carbon neutral with just a few clicks. You receive the "Blue Planet Certificate", the certificate from Naturefund and protect the habitats that can absorb your CO2 emissions.

Balance carbon footprint

Make your event (more) climate neutral! With just a few clicks, you can offset the CO2 emissions generated by the arrival, venue, meals and overnight stay of the participants.

You will receive the Blue Planet Certificate, which you can use for your website or at your event. Another advantage: You present your commitment or your company on the website of the Blue Planet Certificate!

Plant trees and protect the climate

With your contribution, you will receive ecosystems that extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. A tree can absorb about half a ton of CO2 in its lifetime, compensating for the arrival of 26 people, each traveling 100 km by car. For only € 6.00 you can balance a small birthday party and your 50th birthday you can probably align with four trees for a total of € 24 already carbon neutral.

Make your event climate neutral! We are happy to calculate your emissions for you or you use our event calculator!

To the event calculator

Transparent civil society

Naturefund follows the voluntary commitment of the "Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft" (ITZ) and publishes important figures and data on charitable work and the use of subsidies. All information can be found on our page Transparency.

Naturefund international awards

Among others with the Energy Globe Awards and the UN Decade of Biodiversity

More on Awards

Auditors and tax office confirm integrity

Successful examination of Naturefund by auditors: The association uses the donations properly for nature conservation projects. Also, the tax office certifies Naturefund its charitable.