· Naturefund Press Release

Naturefund saves 120,000 square metres for the rare Red-fronted Macaw

After two years of negotiations and together with the Bolivian nature conservation organisation Asociación Armonia, Naturefund has finally been able to save 120,000 square metres in the highlands of Bolivia for the rare Red-fronted Macaw.

Under threat of extinction: the Red-fronted Macaw

Shortly before Christmas, the nature conservation organisation Naturefund announced the success they have had in protecting species. After two years of negotiations and together with the Bolivian nature conservation organisation Asociación Armonia, Naturefund has finally been able to save 120,000 square metres in the highlands of Bolivia for the rare Red-fronted Macaw. The Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys), which is under threat of becoming extinct, lives in the dry valleys of Bolivia at a height of between 1000 and 2700 metres. In the Cochabamba valley on the Mizque River, there are three precipices on which the colourful parrots breed. Currently, just 1000 Red-fronted Macaws exist in the wild. Together with the Asociación Armonia, Naturefund is now able to create a nature conservation area of 120,000 square metres, right next to one of the three precipices used for breeding.

Trees for the Red-fronted Macaw

There were long negotiations with local farming families who feared heavy losses to their argricultural production. This was resolved once Naturefund explained that Soto trees, the typical food source of the Red-fronted Macaw, would be planted in the conservation area. Currently many animals use the surrounding maize fields of the farmers as their hunting ground.

Bees can also help the Red-fronted Macaw

Naturefund will also provide financial support for three villages in the area, Amaya (60 families), San Carlos (50 families) and Perereta (20 families), to begin producing honey. In the long-term this will help the local population to also make a profit from the conservation area. In places populated by trees more flowers flourish, thus the bees will be able to produce more honey. Currently the nature organization Naturefund is buying a wet meadow in South Hesse, in the Main-Kinzig area. This should ensure more habitat for the Lapwing, a native species of Germany that is now endangered. With just 20 €, you could save 2 square metres for this project. To make a donation:
Naturefund e. V., Nassauische Sparkasse
Account No.: 101 261 352  Sort code: 510 500 15,
Reference: Lapwing
Please note that your donation is also tax deductible. Go to the latest project: www.naturefund.de/land More about the Red-fronted Macaw: www.naturefund.de/rotohrpapagei Press photos: www.naturefund.de/presseaktuell ?? Press contact details:   Caro Molkenthin, Press Officer?
Tel.: +49 611 5045810 14?
caro.molkenthin@naturefund.de Naturefund e. V.,?Sonnenberger Strasse 20a,?65193 Wiesbaden, Germany Would you like to receive press releases automatically from Naturefund? You can sign up here: www.naturefund.de/presse-anmeldenPrevious article | Latest | Next article

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