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Nature reserves in Madagascar

Madagascar has 43 protected areas covering an area of 2 million hectares. These range from world natural heritage sites to biosphere reserves.

Protected areas in general are areas that are demarcated for a specific purpose and protected from other uses, especially for the protection of nature. Thus, natural habitats, plant and animal species as well as natural resources are to be preserved in the areas. Through them, biological diversity is preserved.

Types of protected areas
In Madagascar, a distinction can be made between four types of protected areas, all of which have a different significance for life in them. 

National parks: Here nature is still allowed to be nature and develop accordingly according to its own dynamics and laws. Retreat areas are created for the diverse animal and plant species, because man is not allowed to interfere with nature.
Biosphere reserves: These test and protect the coexistence of man and nature as well as the diversity of species in so-called model regions in a wide variety of ways and over a long period of time. In other words, they preserve natural and cultural landscapes shaped by man and the diversity of species and biotopes that have grown up in them, and help to develop a balanced relationship between natural and social processes and sustainable management.
Nature parks: These preserve cultural landscapes and serve the recreation of people and nature. Their goal is to harmonize economic use and tourism with functioning nature conservation.
Nature reserves: Along with national parks, nature reserves are among the most strictly protected areas. However, nature reserves have the highest protection status. As a rule, the use of and access to the parks are largely restricted. Their destruction or alteration is prohibited, which ensures special protection of habitats and the plant and animal species living in them in the wild. The use of protected areas is permitted only if it does not conflict with the conservation objective.
Ankafobe Protected Area 
Our highland rainforest in Ankafobe is also a protected area. As of 2021, the area has been under temporary protection by the Malagasy government since 2018. To officially become a protected area, it still lacks the approval of the National Protected Areas Network. Therefore, Ankafobe is currently listed as "Nouvelle Aire Protegee", which means "new protected area". Until Ankafobe is designated an official protected area, the local Madagascans are already contributing to conservation and reforestation on their own. As our local partner reports, training courses on reforestation, for example, are being held with the help of the local authorities. Help us now!

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